Monday, July 16, 2012

Trade on July 16, 2012

Portfolio 1

TransactionSymbolExpirationStrike PriceQtyFill PriceCommissionNet Amount
BTOIWMSep-12$66.00 15$0.42 $2.25 ($632.25)
STOIWMSep-12$68.00 -15$0.57 $2.25 $852.75
BTOIWMSep-12$69.00 5$0.68 $0.75 ($340.75)
STOIWMSep-12$72.00 -5$1.11 $13.25 $541.75
BTOIWMOct-12$63.00 10$0.54 $1.50 ($541.50)
STOIWMOct-12$66.00 -10$0.78 $1.50 $778.50
BTOIWMOct-12$68.00 5$1.03 $0.75 ($515.75)
STOIWMOct-12$71.00 -5$1.51 $13.25 $741.75
Net Proceed$884.50
Required Margin$9,000.00
TransactionSymbolExpirationStrike PriceQtyFill PriceCommissionNet Amount
BTCIWMJul-12$70.00 14$0.01 $0.30 ($6.30)
BTCIWMJul-12$66.00 2$0.01 $0.30 ($2.30)
BTCIWMJul-12$62.00 2$0.01 $0.30 ($2.30)
BTCIWMAug-12$61.00 2$0.03 $14.60 ($28.60)
Prior Proceed from the Contracts$1,208.00
Net Proceed$1,168.50

Portfolio 2

TransactionSymbolExpirationStrike PriceQtyFill PriceCommissionNet Amount
BTOIWMSep-12$66.00 15$0.42 $2.25 ($632.25)
STOIWMSep-12$68.00 -15$0.57 $2.25 $852.75
BTOIWMSep-12$69.00 5$0.67 $0.75 ($335.75)
STOIWMSep-12$72.00 -5$1.10 $13.25 $536.75
BTOIWMOct-12$63.00 10$0.54 $1.50 ($541.50)
STOIWMOct-12$66.00 -10$0.79 $1.50 $788.50
BTOIWMOct-12$68.00 5$1.03 $0.75 ($515.75)
STOIWMOct-12$71.00 -5$1.49 $13.25 $731.75
Net Proceed$884.50
Required Margin$9,000.00

BTO = Buy to Open
STO = Sell to Open
BTC = Buy to Close
STC = Sell to Close

1 comment:

  1. They would've been excellent sales if they were around $1,800 each for total option sales.... This month one was only for $1,200ish (approximately $300 from a few days ago).


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